Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mounting the Headstones to the Mid-Base

Once the bedstead leveling and re-setting was complete, it was time to mount the headstones to the mid-base.

The pin location on the headstones were marked and drilled for insertion of the pins.

We use 3/8" threaded, stainless steel rods, 6 to 8 inches long with an equal amount in the stone and the base, to pin the stones. The stainless steel prevents rust and future damage to the stone. Nylon rods can also be used but we have found that stainless steel works best for us.

After the holes are drilled for the pins they are epoxied in and left for at least 48 hours to dry.

When the headstones are ready, the mid-base is drilled to accept the headstone pins and the headstone is lifted into place using a gantry (as shown here) or a tripod.

Care must be taken when drilling the mid-base to get the headstone in the correct position . Measure TWICE and drill once. Once the holes are drilled, you cannot change their position.

A dry fit to to make sure everything is correct is ALWAYS recommended. When everything is double checked for accuracy and approved, fill the holes in the mid-base with epoxy and lower the stone onto it. Check with an angle meter to be sure it is straight, support the stone to keep it from moving, and let it dry. Be sure to keep a check on it to make sure it isn't moving.

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